# EIP 155: 简单的重放攻击保护
作者 | 状态 | 类型 | 分类 | 创建时间 |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) | 最终 | Standards Track | Core | 2016-10-14 |
# 硬分叉
# 参数
: 2,675,000CHAIN_ID
: 1 (main net)
# 规范
If block.number >= FORK_BLKNUM
and v = CHAIN_ID * 2 + 35
or v = CHAIN_ID * 2 + 36
, then when computing the hash of a transaction for purposes of signing or recovering, instead of hashing only the first six elements (i.e. nonce, gasprice, startgas, to, value, data), hash nine elements, with v
replaced by CHAIN_ID
, r = 0
and s = 0
. The currently existing signature scheme using v = 27
and v = 28
remains valid and continues to operate under the same rules as it does now.
# 示例
Consider a transaction with nonce = 9
, gasprice = 20 * 10**9
, startgas = 21000
, to = 0x3535353535353535353535353535353535353535
, value = 10**18
, data=''
The "signing data" becomes:
The "signing hash" becomes:
If the transaction is signed with the private key 0x4646464646464646464646464646464646464646464646464646464646464646
, then the v,r,s values become:
(37, 18515461264373351373200002665853028612451056578545711640558177340181847433846, 46948507304638947509940763649030358759909902576025900602547168820602576006531)
Notice the use of 37 instead of 27. The signed tx would become:
# 原理阐述
This would provide a way to send transactions that work on Ethereum without working on ETC or the Morden testnet. ETC is encouraged to adopt this EIP but replacing CHAIN_ID
with a different value, and all future testnets, consortium chains and alt-etherea are encouraged to adopt this EIP replacing CHAIN_ID
with a unique value.
# 各个网络的CHAIN_ID
CHAIN_ID | 网络名称 |
1 | Ethereum mainnet |
2 | Morden (disused), Expanse mainnet |
3 | Ropsten |
4 | Rinkeby |
5 | Goerli |
42 | Kovan |
1337 | Geth private chains (default) |
Find more chain ID's on chainid.network and contribute to ethereum-lists/chains.