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tg:@shandian213 email:eve@ourbit.com

岗位职责: 负责处理客户咨询,提供在线客服支持,解答关于交易所操作、账户管理、交易流程等问题。 通过韩语与客户进行沟通,保证信息的准确传达和高效处理。 负责收集客户反馈和建议,与团队共同改进服务流程和用户体验。 能够应对高强度的工作压力,按照排班时间提供服务,接受三班倒的工作安排(早、中、晚)。 定期参加培训,不断提升业务水平和客服技能。

任职要求: 本科及以上学历,优先考虑语言类、金融类等相关专业。 必须具备流利的韩语读写能力,能够无障碍地与韩国客户进行沟通。 有良好的中文表达能力,能够准确理解和传达工作内容。 有1年以上客服或相关岗位工作经验,有金融或数字货币交易所工作经验者优先。 良好的沟通能力和团队协作精神,能够在压力下保持冷静和专注。 熟练使用计算机和办公软件,具备一定的网络知识。

Ourbit交易所,成立于2023年,是一家新兴的数字货币交易平台,我们的团队由来自台湾和新加坡的专业人员组成,他们都来自行业内顶尖的交易所,拥有丰富的行业经验和深厚的专业知识。这支团队不仅充满活力,而且具备稳健的发展思路,能够在快速变化的数字货币市场中稳健前行。 Ourbit交易所即将在4月中旬正式推出官方App,以便为用户提供便捷、安全的交易体验。我们计划在不久的将来推出自有原生代币,进一步扩展我们的业务范围和市场影响力。Ourbit的运营和市场策略得益于我们团队的实战经验和行业洞察,使我们在众多竞争者中脱颖而出。 我们将目光投向全球,特别是台湾、日本、韩国、土耳其、越南和俄罗斯这些具有巨大潜力的市场。这些市场不仅人口众多,而且数字货币交易活跃,有着广阔的发展空间。Ourbit致力于理解和满足这些不同市场的特定需求,提供量身定制的服务,以促进业务增长和扩展。 我们的目标是在未来两年内实现盈亏平衡,三年内成为业内公认的二线交易所。我们相信,通过我们的努力和对市场的深刻理解,Ourbit交易所将能够实现这一雄心勃勃的目标,并为我们的用户和投资者创造更大的价值。 官网:ourbit.com Ourbit Exchange, founded in 2023, is an emerging digital currency trading platform. Our team consists from Taiwan and Singapore, all of whom hail from top exchanges in the industry, possessing rich industry experience and profound expertise. This dynamic team is not only full of vitality but also has a solid development strategy, enabling us to navigate the rapidly changing digital currency market with stability. Ourbit Exchange is set to officially launch its official app in mid-April, aiming to provide users with a convenient and secure trading experience. We plan to introduce our native token in the near future to further expand our business scope and market influence. Ourbit's operations and market strategies benefit from the practical experience and industry insights of our team, setting us apart from numerous competitors. We have our sights set on the global market, particularly in regions like Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Turkey, Vietnam, and Russia, which offer tremendous potential. These markets not only boast large populations but also have active digital currency trading, providing ample room for growth. Ourbit is committed to understanding and meeting the specific needs of these diverse markets, offering tailored services to foster business growth and expansion. Our goal is to achieve a balanced budget within the next two years and become a recognized second-tier exchange within three years. We believe that with our efforts and deep understanding of the market, Ourbit Exchange will be able to realize this ambitious goal and create greater value for our users and investors. Official Website: ourbit.com
  • 发布于 2024-04-04 18:08
  • 阅读 ( 728 )
