入门 Sui Move 开发:8. PTB 以及 Sui TS SDK 的使用

  • greyhao
  • 发布于 5小时前
  • 阅读 51

了解 PTB,以及如何使用 SDK 发起交易


入门 Sui Move 开发:1. 环境安装 

 入门 Sui Move 开发:2. 常用命令、编写并发布 Hello World 合约

入门 Sui Move 开发:3. Sui Move 语法和设计模式 

入门 Sui Move 开发:4. Sui Move 中集合、对象、泛型、动态字段

入门 Sui Move 开发:5. 发布同质化代币 — NFT

入门 Sui Move 开发:6. 发布一个小游戏合约

入门 Sui Move 开发:7. 实现一个简单的兑换合约


PTB 全称:Programmable Transaction Blocks,用来执行交易,交易里可以包含多个操作。


可以使用命令行或 SDK 两种方式来使用 PTB


通过执行 sui client ptb -h 命令,查看所有 PTB 提供的方法。

Usage: sui client ptb [OPTIONS]

      --assign <NAME> <VALUE>
          Assign a value to a variable name to use later in the PTB.
          Perform a dry run of the PTB instead of executing it.
          Perform a dev-inspect of the PTB instead of executing it.
      --gas-coin <ID>
          The object ID of the gas coin to use. If not specified, it will try to use the first gas coin that it finds that has at least the requested
          gas-budget balance.
      --gas-budget <MIST>
          An optional gas budget for this PTB (in MIST). If gas budget is not provided, the tool will first perform a dry run to estimate the gas cost,
          and then it will execute the transaction. Please note that this incurs a small cost in performance due to the additional dry run call.
      --make-move-vec <TYPE> <[VALUES]>
          Given n-values of the same type, it constructs a vector. For non objects or an empty vector, the type tag must be specified.
      --merge-coins <INTO_COIN> <[COIN OBJECTS]>
          Merge N coins into the provided coin.
          Make a move call to a function.
      --split-coins <COIN> <[AMOUNT]>
          Split the coin into N coins as per the given array of amounts.
      --transfer-objects <[OBJECTS]> <TO>
          Transfer objects to the specified address.
      --publish <MOVE_PACKAGE_PATH>
          Publish the Move package. It takes as input the folder where the package exists.
      --upgrade <MOVE_PACKAGE_PATH>
          Upgrade the Move package. It takes as input the folder where the package exists.
          Preview the list of PTB transactions instead of executing them.
          Instead of executing the transaction, serialize the bcs bytes of the unsigned transaction data using base64 encoding.
          Instead of executing the transaction, serialize the bcs bytes of the signed transaction data using base64 encoding.
          Show only a short summary (digest, execution status, gas cost). Do not use this flag when you need all the transaction data and the execution
          Enable shadow warning when the same variable name is declared multiple times. Off by default.
          Return command outputs in json format.
  -h, --help
          Print help (see more with '--help')

Sui TypeScript SDK 使用


    mkdir  sdk_demo // 创建目录
    cd sdk_demo // 切换当前命令执行目录
    npm init // 初始化 npm,type 选择 module,其他默认
    npm i @mysten/sui // 安装 sui sdk



import { Ed25519Keypair } from "@mysten/sui/keypairs/ed25519";

const wallet = Ed25519Keypair.generate(); // 只有私钥,无助记词
// 钱包地址
console.log(`toSuiAddress = ${wallet.toSuiAddress()}`);
// 钱包私钥
const secretKey = wallet.getSecretKey();
console.log(`getSecretKey = ${secretKey}`);


const addressFromPrivatekey = Ed25519Keypair.fromSecretKey(secretKey);


const addressFromMnemonic = Ed25519Keypair.deriveKeypair(mnemonicStr);

SuiClient 对象

使用 SuiClient 对象来和 RCP 进行交互,内置了大多数 RPC 函数。

// 创建一个 SuiClient 实例对象
import { getFullnodeUrl, SuiClient } from "@mysten/sui/client";

const suiClient  = new SuiClient({
    url: getFullnodeUrl('testnet'), //  url 参数定义要访问的是什么网络


如果内置函数不满足,可以通过 cal 方法发起请求。 suiClient.call("method_name", [params]);



  • data 返回的数据列表
  • nextCuror 下一次请求的入参
  • hasNextPage 是否还有下一页数据,true 代表有
// 请求第一页,设置只返回 2 条,方便测试
let allCoins = await suiClient.getAllCoins({
  owner: MY_ADDRESS,
  limit: 2,

// 如果有下一页数据,继续发起请求
let allCoins_2 = allCoins.hasNextPage && await suiClient.getAllCoins({
  owner: MY_ADDRESS,
  cursor: allCoins.nextCursor,



构建一个给某地址发送 Sui 的交易。

import { Transaction } from "@mysten/sui/transactions";

// 创建一个交易对象
const tx = new Transaction();
// 拆分出来固定数量的 sui
const coin = tx.splitCoins(tx.gas, [1000]);
// 转账对象,参数:需要发送的对象,接收地址
tx.transferObjects([coin], 'to_address');


构建一个给两个地址发送 Sui 的交易,和上面类似,只需要

const tx = new Transaction();
// 构建交易 发送 sui
// 拆分多个数量的 coin 
const coins = tx.splitCoins(tx.gas, [45000, 60000]);

// 转账对象,参数:需要发送的对象,接收地址
tx.transferObjects([coins[0]], ADDRESS_A8);

tx.transferObjects([coins[1]], "0x511d2365b6d2e38cdfb095f2ef7273e92d960643d9fd59b6b2d16344bae8c8e2");


上面定义好了交易的内容,接下来调用 signAndExecuteTransaction 方法实现签名并执行交易。

// 执行交易
const result = await suiClient.signAndExecuteTransaction({
  transaction: tx,
  signer: wallet,
  requestType: 'WaitForLocalExecution',
  options: {
    showEffects: true,

console.log("result === ");


交易已经发送了,需要查询交易的结果。就需要 waitForTransaction 方法来查询交易的结果,参数是执行交易返回的 digest 的值。

// 查询交易结果,参数交易的 hash
const transaction = await suiClient.waitForTransaction({
  // digest: result.digest, // tx 的hash
  digest: "CzDX7QfFYQKwBeVc9PaTUWJTefvUNv8WziDX1ExHEDGs",
  options: {
    showEffects: true,
console.log("transaction === ");

Transaction 中常用方法

  • tx.gas Sui coin
  • splitCoins(coin, [amount]) 拆分币种
  • mergeCoins(coinA, coinB)coinB 合并到 coinA
  • transferObjects(objects, address) 转账对象到指定地址
  • moveCall({target, arguments, typeArguments}) 调用合约的方法 例子:tx.moveCall({ target: '0x2::devnet_nft::mint', arguments: \[tx.pure.string(name), tx.pure.string(description), tx.pure.string(image)] })


使用 交易意图 发送代币

    coinWithBalance({ balance: 1000 }), // 发送 sui
    coinWithBalance({ balance: 120000, type: '0xd172ea4643dfe46a4130a75dfcd50cf042fe794cc5e14fa746b48bd702e1edfb::greyhaofaucet::GREYHAOFAUCET' }), // type 为发送的 coin 的 type
    to_address,  //接收地址
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