I have an issue while launching my chainlink node with the ethereum client service (infura.io).
I have this warning :
Failed to connect to ethereum node wss://kovan.infura.io/ws/v3/ services/head_tracker.go:288
err=verifyEthereumChainID failed: ethereum ChainID doesn't match chainlink config.ChainID: config
ID=4, eth RPC ID=42 errVerbose=ethereum ChainID doesn't match chainlink config.ChainID: config ID=4,
eth RPC ID=42
verifyEthereumChainID failed
runtime.goexit /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1374`
and also i have this information :
[INFO] HeadTracker: Head 22528634 is lagging behind, there are 2 more heads in the queue. Your node
is operating close to its maximum capacity and may start to miss jobs. services/head_tracker.go:90`
and finally an error appears :
[ERROR] HeadTracker: dropping head 22529006 with hash
0x0f7cf003aea4411b0f159ddfeae3bee7f5a4141cbfdbc418eb9615d7aa8d09ee because queue is full. WARNING:
Your node is overloaded and may start missing jobs. logger/default.go:155
Can you help me to solve this ?